Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pump it up Jr.

After sliding down with mommy for few times, I am not afraid anymore and I can do it all by myself. It is so much fun, isn't it?

Pizza for Lunch

Time for the birthday cake

Rajiv's Birthday Cake

Since daddy didn't want me to have any cake (too much sugar is not good for you), so I was admiring Rajiv's cake...

and decided to help him out with his cake...

so I got my own piece...

and it taste good!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Telling stories

Dad: Tell me a story about dad going to work.

Once upon a time a big brother lived in a little house with a big daddy
and a medium mommy and a small baby Coral. Esmond had a big bowl and
mom had a small bowl and dad had the biggest bowl. And they all had
chairs at the table. And then dad left to go to work, and mommy left,
and Coral left and nanny left.

And then what happened?

I don't know.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Quiet Voice

Today mom was upset with me with something and raised her voice. I told her:"Mom, I like you to talk to me in quiet voice." I think it is important to tell the growups how we small people feel.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Barron Park

We played at Baron Park today and visited Donkey Niner and Perry (the short one). Do you know Perry is in the movie "Shrek"? Yes, he is, he is a dwarf...


"I want milk!"

Dad: "finish your pizza first."

[then I started to cry]

Dad: "Are you pretending to be sad?"

"No, I am pretending to be mad."

[then I laughed]

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Take care of baby Coral

Being a big brother, I have to take care of Coral.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kissing Coral

I love my baby sister Coral.

Take a picture of Coral

I am taking a picture of baby Coral with my camera.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Play with Coral

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Jack's Birthday Party

Jack had his birthday party at home. I had a great time swimming in their pool with daddy. Coral and mommy came along too.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Stop Coral from crying

On the way back from the swimming class, Coral was crying so I sang an ABC song to her and she stopped crying right away. Few minutes later, she started to cry again, so I said to mom and dad:"I have a plan" and then I put my finger on my mouth and said "shhhh, shhh, shhh..." and it worked again!

Ask me

I have to come up with smart ideas to convince mom and dad why I should watch some more TV. So I asked mom:" Mom, can you please ask me - Esmond, do you want to watch a movie on TV?"